Hot topics

Off the job training
Get Set for hot topics.
At Get Set UK, we’re passionate about promoting equality and diversity. Our engaging Hot Topics are designed to inspire and educate, offering a wealth of information, advice, and guidance. Each topic is enriched with awareness videos and interactive tasks that empower our learners to broaden their understanding. To share this information and content, we use Padlet, a dynamic cloud-based sharing platform.
We believe in leading by example, which is why we encourage not only our learners but also our employees to engage with these Hot Topics. Our team at Get Set UK receives the topics a month ahead of our learners, allowing them to become familiar with the material and address any questions or concerns.
Click on the links below to explore our Hot Topics and discover more!
January - domestic violence.
February - non-stereotypical families.
March - equal pay rights.
April - bullying, stalking & harrassment.
May - poverty & homelessness in the UK.
June - prevent & safeguarding.
July - disabilities within the workplace.
August - mental health awareness.
September - addictions.
October - black history.
November - religions & beliefs in a workplace.
December - ageism.