Get Set for Work

Inclusive Support for Employers and Employees

Get Set for Work is a new inclusive support service
delivered by Get Set UK on behalf of Essex County Council.

I am an employer looking to be more inclusive

We can help you become a more inclusive employer.

Essex is home to thousands of businesses, but not every business is as inclusive as they’d like to be.

Embracing and valuing employees of different backgrounds helps create a strong company culture and can improve employee performance.

If you are ready to create a more inclusive workplace, Get Set for Work can help you. Our free support services are designed to help assess where you are now and will outline the steps towards becoming a more inclusive employer. It doesn’t matter where you start, as long as you start the journey!

I am struggling at work

We can support you in your current job role.

Many companies are still at the start of their journey to becoming an inclusive employer.

You may be facing challenges in your current position such as an unwillingness to provide reasonable accommodations, a physical environment that is inaccessible or hard to navigate, negative attitudes within the work environment or a lack of assistive tools or technologies to help you be effective in your role.

If you are working at an Essex-based company and feel like you are at risk of losing your job, considering leaving your job or struggling in your role due to barriers in the workplace, Get Set for Work can help you.

I want to overcome barriers to employment

We offer advice and guidance for you and your family/carer to help you back into work.

Everyone has the right to work. If you are considering moving into employment, the Get Set for Work programme can help you.

We understand that there may be some hesitancy from you and your family/carer as you consider moving into paid employment. We can help you tackle these barriers:

– Employers won’t want to employ me
– It isn’t possible for me to work
– I will be affected financially

There are many benefits from being employed. As well as earning your own money, finding a job that suits you can help build your self confidence, give you some independence, bring a sense of purpose and achievement and is also a great way to widen your social circle and make new friends.

Get Set UK is the trading name of Get Skills Employment & Training Limited and Journey2work a registered charity. © 2024 Get Set UK. All rights reserved. Website Privacy Policy

Registered office: Get Set UK Second Floor, Quadrant House, 250 Kennington Lane, London, SE11 5RD