A news story

Job opportunities in the Walthamstow community.

Community | 28 September 2023

September is always a good month to reset and get ready for the last four months of the year. Our Walthamstow office welcomed 45 participants from our Work and Health Programme, ran in partnership with Maximus UK, to “Get Set” for the months ahead.

The Work and Health Programme delivers specific, community-based employment, health, and well-being support and offer a chance for participants to spend time with our specialist Employment Advisors and find out about all the support, training and job opportunities available to them. Helping our participants with CV prep, interview skills and job opportunities, as well as signing them up to free courses to improve their work experience and supporting them with their health barriers has a huge impact on their lives.

The aim of the day was to help our participants boost their employability and skills and we certainly did that… we signed 16 people up to our vocational and creative courses, the ERM Team arranged 12 job interviews with perspective employers and we referred 6 people onto a paid apprenticeship.

We received some amazing feedback about the day from our participants. One commented, “You have helped me find jobs that are suitable for me. I am now interested in doing a customer service course” and another said, “The team were very helpful, professional, empathic, and compassionate. Advisors listened and recommended courses suitable to me.”

A big thank you to the Walthamstow team and everyone who attended the day.

Get Set for opportunities.

We are ready to help you take your next step.

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Get Set UK is the trading name of Get Skills Employment & Training Limited and Journey2work a registered charity. © 2024 Get Set UK. All rights reserved. Website Privacy Policy

Registered office: Get Set UK Second Floor, Quadrant House, 250 Kennington Lane, London, SE11 5RD